Xiaojuan JIANG
Jiang is the president of the China Society of Industrial Economics, professor of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and former Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council. As the Ph.D. in Economics, her main research areas include digital economy, macroeconomics, industrial structure, international economy, and public policy. Her research achievements have won multiple awards, such as the "Sun Yefang Economic Science Award" three times and the 5th "China Economic Theory Innovation Award," among others. From 1989 to 2004, she worked at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, holding positions as an associate researcher, researcher, and professor. She served as the Director of the Industrial Development Research Office at the Institute of Industrial Economics and the Director of the Institute of Finance and Trade Economics. From 2004 to 2018, she worked in government agencies for 14 years, serving as the Deputy Director of the State Council Research Office and the Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council.

B. Guy Peters is Maurice Falk Professor of Government at the University of Pittsburgh, and founding President of the International Public Policy Association. He holds a PhD degree from Michigan State University and has honorary doctorates from four European universities. He is currently editor of the International Review of Public Policy and associate editor of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. His most recent books include Administrative Traditions: Understanding the Roots of Contemporary Administrative Behavior (Oxford, 2022). Democratic Backsliding and Public Administration (Cambridge, 2022.) and Health Policy in the United States (Bristol: Bristol University Press).

Professor Christensen is Professor Emeritus at Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, and Distinguished Visiting Professor, Tsinghua University. His main theoretical basis is organization theory and he has empirically focused on studies of central administrative structures and public sector reforms, including studies of sectors like crisis management, police, welfare administration, universities, health (COVID-19), but also studies of trust, accountability, reputation management, etc. Christensen has spent 30 years of teaching in China and has extensively published with Chinese colleague. His main university collaborations have been Renmin University, Tsinghua University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). He is currently Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua and Visiting Professor at HUST.

Guillaume FONTAINE
Since 2001, Professor Guillaume Fontaine has been working as a researcher and post-graduate professor at the Latin American Faculty for Social Sciences (FLACSO), in Quito, Ecuador. FLACSO is an international organization created by UNESCO in 1956, with representation in 13 countries. Professor Fontaine holds a Doctor's degree in Sociology from the University of Paris 3, and a Post-Doc habilitation to conduct research in Political Science from the Institute of Political Studies (Sciences-Po), Paris. Professor Fontaine created the Comparative Policy Lab as a research and practice organization dedicated to promoting a design framework to deal with complex policy problems. The lab uses a realist approach based on multi-methods combining Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), process tracing, and congruence analysis for small-n comparative policy. His areas of intervention include corruption control, chronic child malnutrition, public administration reforms, post-carbon energy transition, and environmental governance in Latin America and the Caribbean. He has recently co-authored "Tackling Corruption in Latin America: An Institutional Approach" (with A. Hernández-Luis, T. Milan, and C. Rodrigues, Palgrave McMillan, 2023), and "The Politics of Public Accountability" (with C. Medrano and I. Narváez, Palgrave McMillan, 2020). He is also the co-editor (with B. Guy Peters) of "The Handbook of Methods for Research and Practice in Comparative Policy Analysis" (Edward Elgar, 2020), and "The Research Handbook of Policy Design" (Edward Elgar, 2022). |